Multiple/concurrent users can access this system and then run the model through this Web-based system.
In this case, unique project name will be used to identify the simulated resutls.
Scenario name, without spaces and special characters, will be accepted (alphanumeric only).
After obtaining unique project name, users can select one of 4 model run options in the front page.
If needed, users can see previous output results from either Single storm or Desgin mode runs without entering project name.
In this system, users can simulate the VFS in 4 modes.
First, users can run the VFSM only. For this users have to upload .irn/.iro files to the server. With this version, users can use their own monitoring data or data close to the real, instead of using NRCS CN method to estimate runoff inflow into the filter strip.
Second, UH and VFSM can be run consecutively.
Third, In the standard design mode, optimum length of the VFS can be determined from multiple UH+VFSM runs.
In this version, multiple storm events can be specified by providing either specific values or storm ranges.
Also, ranges of the VFS length can be provided by the users
Fourth, In the advanced design mode, users can upload a series of .IRN / .IRO / .ISD files for each storm event to the server and then run the VFSM.
Users can save the input as a file and download it for further analysis in desktop or for uses later in Web VFSMOD system. In addition, users can upload this file to the server as a input. To help users prepare input data, reference databases are provided
Save data as a plain ASCII file
Upload users' data into server
Reference data
Popup/Dialog window will open
How to run Option 1: "VFSM"
In this Run, users can run the VFSM model only.
For this run, users should upload .IRN / .IRO files instead of running the UH model.
(This is available in 3rd tab titled "Filter Strip (VFSM) Step 3: VFSM - Enter_Edit/Upload .IRO/.IRN)
In the current VFSM, users can specify the width of the filter strip due to concentrated flow in the real agricultural field. (Please note the flow direction and FWIDTH / VL).
Segment profile of the VFS can be specified in this interface. This can be defined by clicking point in the profile window. Also Manning's n should be provided for each segment. When users click the point near the Bufffer length (VL), it automatically snap to the VL.
For VFSM runs, Soil texture is needed. Thus the STATSGO Soil map for several states and Korea are provided in the current Web VFSMOD system. Users can use Zoom In/Out and Pan to locate the area of interest. If users click on the map, it will provide you with the soil texture information.
In the current Web VFSMOD system, VFSM with Groundwater table module is used as a core engine.
Thus users can provide parameter values for 2 Soil Water Characteristic Curve options and 3 Hydraulic Conductivity Curve options.
Here, users can provide data of .IRO and .IRN files with this interface.
Sometimes, users may have files on their computer and want to use them in the VFSMOD runs. So users can upload the files to the server (Browsing or Drag/Drop).
Pesticide DB query interface is provided aith auto=complete function. For this Win-APEX Pesticide DB is used .
In this Web VFSMOD system, pesticide degradation could be simulated with 4 degradation rate formulations. For degradation simulations, air temperature and soil moisture information are needed. Also field capacity of top soil as well as pesticide mass entering filter are needed. In the current version, upto 30 days could be simulated.
How to run Option 2: "UH + VFSM"
In this run, users can run the UH first, and then VFSM with UH output.
Steps 1 and 2 in UH module are for generation of rainfall and inflow into VFS. The same information needed for Run Option 1 "VFSM Run" will be ussed here for the VFSM run.
To provide auxiliary design storm data, NOAA precipitation frequency data are provided as shown below. Also Storm type is determined based on the location of interest on the map. This storm type information is used to build sub-daily rainfall distribution based on rainfall amount and storm duration.
Curve Number table DB query interface are provided for agricultural field.
Also USEL P ref. table is provided.
Depending on the soil texture (from either Google Map or Soil Texture combo box), default values of several soil properties are provided.
Belows are the same information shown in previous VFSM tutorial
Soil texture from STATSGO map is provided in the Web VFSMOD system.
In the current VFSM, users can specify the width of the filter strip due to concentrated flow in the real agricultural field. (Please note the flow direction and FWIDTH / VL).
Segment profile of the VFS can be specified in this interface. This can be defined by clicking point in the profile window. Also Manning's n should be provided for each segment. When users click the point near the Bufffer length (VL), it automatically snap to the VL.
For VFSM runs, Soil texture is needed. Thus the STATSGO Soil map for several states and Korea are provided in the current Web VFSMOD system. Users can use Zoom In/Out and Pan to locate the area of interest. If users click on the map, it will provide you with the soil texture information.
In the current Web VFSMOD system, VFSM with Groundwater table module is used as a core engine.
Thus users can provide parameter values for 2 Soil Water Characteristic Curve options and 3 Hydraulic Conductivity Curve options.
Here, users can provide data of .IRO and .IRN files with this interface.
Sometimes, users may have files on their computer and want to use them in the VFSMOD runs. So users can upload the files to the server (Browsing or Drag/Drop).
Pesticide DB query interface is provided aith auto=complete function. For this Win-APEX Pesticide DB is used .
In this Web VFSMOD system, pesticide degradation could be simulated with 4 degradation rate formulations. For degradation simulations, air temperature and soil moisture information are needed. Also field capacity of top soil as well as pesticide mass entering filter are needed. In the current version, upto 30 days could be simulated.
How to run Option 3: "Standard Design"
Steps 1 and 2 in UH module are for generation of rainfall and inflow into VFS. The same information needed for Run Option 1 "VFSM Run" will be ussed here for the VFSM run.
Pre-run UH and VFSM results are proivded here. Users can select one UH and one VFSM projects to determine optimum VFS design to meet runoff/sediment/pesticide reduction goals.
Here, several storm values (probably, design storm - recurrence period (T) / duration) could be provided to determin optimum VFS. Also, ranges of VFS length could be specified here. Total 4 rainfall events (10, 20, 30, and 50mm) by 20 VFS length (5, 10, 15, 20, ..., 85, 90, 95, and 100m) projects (in total, 80 runs ) will be run in this case.
Here, ranges of storm events could be provided to determin optimum VFS. Also, ranges of VFS length could be specified here. Total 5 rainfall events (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50mm) by 20 VFS length (5, 10, 15, 20, ..., 85, 90, 95, and 100m) projects (in total, 100 projects ) will be run in this case.
How to run Option 4: "Advanced Design"
Steps 1 and 2 in UH module are for generation of rainfall and inflow into VFS. The same information needed for Run Option 1 "VFSM Run" will be ussed here for the VFSM run.
Pre-run VFSM results are proivded here. Users can select one VFSM projecct to determine optimum VFS design to meet runoff/sediment/pesticide reduction goals.
In advanced design mode, users can upload 3 sets of files (.iro / .irn / .isd) for each storm event. These 3 files will replace the UH run and be directly fed to the VFSM model. The Return period, duration, and total precipitation data are not directly used in model run, but used in output to describe storm events. Here upto 5 evetns (3 sets of files for 5 storm events) could be simulated in the current version.
By clicking the button on the top, users can easily upload these 3 files to the server
Upto 5 sets of .iro / .irn / .isd files could be simulated in the current version.
Output - "Single Storm / Design model"
For Single Storm version
All projects, run completely without errors, will be listed in the project trees.
The project name, you ran a couple of minutes ago, will be listed on the top,
If you click project name, in yellow color, you will see output/input folder with a link for download button and a link to generate Tabular/Graphical results of input/output files.
If click "inputs" and "output" folder name, it will dispaly list of files under that folder.
If click "Graph/Table" button, it will display graphical/tabular output".
Also users can save graphcal output in PNG, JPG, PDF, and SVG formats.
For Design model
Select project in the list to see tabular/graphical output of design runs.
Select project in the list to see tabular/graphical output of design runs.
Select area/region to zoom in. To go back to previous scale, click "Reset zoom" button.
If user determine target goal of reduction, it will tabulate the optimum filter length for a given storm.
Contact us!
If you need help regarding model core engines (UH / VFSM), please contact Prof. Rafael Munoz-Carpena ( at Univ. of Florida, USA.
If you need help regarding Web-based system, please contact Prof. Kyoung Jae Lim ( at Kangwon National University, S. Korea.