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Web-based VFSMOD










::: Runoff curve numbers for cultivated agricultural lands. :::

1) Enter CN value for your field:


2) select below.

(From USDA-NRCS;210-VI-TR-55, 2nd Edition, June 1986, Table 2-2b)
::: :::
Your Project Name
- Project name
Press 'Enter'(Chrome/Safari) or click Here(IE)
- Project description [Optional]

Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
Option 4:

Output - Single Storm version
Output - Standard Design or Advanced Design

Core Engine: UH Ver. 3.0.2 and VFSM Ver. 4.2.4 developed by Prof. Rafael Munoz-Carpena at UF
::: :::
Approximate geographic boundaries for SCS rainfall distributions (SCS, 1986)
::: Pesticide Common Name / Trade Name . :::

Pestcide Common Name Pesticide Trade Name
                  (Pesticide database from the WinAPEX model DB was used)

(Pesticide databases from WinAPEX model)
::: Pesticide degradation ---- :::
  • Select pesticide degradation rate formulation
  • Total pesticide mass entering the filter per unit area of the source field
              Pesticide Mass : (mg/m2)
  • Surface mixing layer thickness
              Mixing Layer : (cm)

  • Daily air temperature and Top soil water content Θ (m3/m3)

              Air temp. in °C, or °F

              Storm: From: To: NDGDAY:

  • Field capacity of topsoil.
              Field Capacity: G (m3/m3)

  • This VFSMODP Web system was developed with Collaboration between Kangwon National Univ. in Korean and University of Florida
    ::: STATSGO Soil Map for Soil Texture :::
    Selected Texture from Map:

    (STATSGO data from ... )